The Spiritual Solution – by Deepak Chopra

The Spiritual Solution – by Deepak Chopra

I have great respect for Deepak Chopra.  He likes to ramble on (like someone else I know! :o) ) and can easily go ‘off one one’ in his own admission, but I resonate with, and share so many of his viewpoints. Since the out break of the Covid 19 virus he has been talking daily about different ways that we can self care, heal and become more self aware during this time of great challenge.  I wanted to share his latest series of  posts in which he talks about ‘going within’ at this time and how becoming self, and spiritually, aware connecting to our inner truth, is our solution to navigate through these currents times. He provides ideas, tools and ways of deepening our inner connection.

Shared with love

Amelia Ella Hope






In this blog you will see and hear posts, recordings and videos using the name of Amelia Ella Hope.  This was the pen name that I wrote my blog in until mid April 2020.  Whilst I now no longer use this pen name, old posts, audio and video still feature on this site under this name.  The content from both names are from me, Sophia Grace, but the former name of Amelia was used in my early days to allow me to write and share my story safely, openly and freely.  To read more on why I used a pen name then visit My Original About Me page and why I decided to then use my actual name, then click here.  Thank you for your understanding.
In this blog you will see and hear posts, recordings and videos using the name of Amelia Ella Hope.  This was the pen name that I wrote my blog in until mid April 2020.  Whilst I now no longer use this pen name, old posts, audio and video still feature on this site under this name.  The content from both names are from me, Sophia Grace, but the former name of Amelia was used in my early days to allow me to write and share my story safely,openly and freely.  To read more on why ; I used a pen name then click here My Original About Me page and why I decided to then use my actual name,  then click here.  Thank you for your understanding.

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