Whats New & Upcoming This Month…

October ’21 In my first post this month I will talking about how I use Soul Contract Readings to gain a deeper understanding of, and connection to, my Self, my…

Let Nature Be Your Guide

Finding Beauty In The Old In Times Of …

Nature Inspired Meditations For Healing and Wholeness

Inhale Courage, Exhale Fear

Hello Friends, Recently, whilst sorting through some old paperwork, I came across an article entitled, The Five Truths About Fear by, best selling author and public speaker, Susan Jeffers.  I…

Using Numerology Soul Contract Readings To Gain A …

Abuse & Me – Healing Through Nature – Meditation and Nature

Energy Clearing Exercise – Clearing Other’s Energy

You can’t wait until life isn’t …

Dear Friends, I wanted to share the above quote with you that I came across recently.  It is from a very brave and courageous young lady.  She is a singer,…

Pranayama – Yoga Breathing Exercises

Why We, As Survivors Of Childhood Sexual Abuse, …

3 Minute Exercise For Anxiety Relief