Moments of Hope – General Energy Clearing Technique Adapted for Covid 19/Coronavirus Pandemic

Moments of Hope – General Energy Clearing Technique Adapted for Covid 19/Coronavirus Pandemic

The One Where I Share With You A General Energy Clearing Technique To Clear Other People’s Energy and Imprinting To Help Support You Through The Covid 19/Coronavirus Pandemic

To practise, centre in your heart and raise your consciousness to connect with your higher self in whatever way feels right for you and to the unconditional love grid surrounding the Earth.  Then either out loud or silently to yourself, say the following command codes in bold:

When using the codes you can use Mother, Father, God or Guides, Angels, Healing Team whatever feels comfortable for you.

Step 1

“Mother Father God/ Guides, Angels, Healing Team, I give thanks that all cell and soul fragments that do not belong to me, be returned to their original owner washed and cleansed through your light.
I give thanks that all cell and soul fragments that do belong to me, be returned to me washed and cleansed through your light. Thank YOU”

Step 2:

“Mother Father God/ Guides, Angels, Healing Team, I command that all negative energetic cords, ties and attachments that I have made with others or others have made to me be released and cleared.  Please release and cut all the Soul Cords, Past Life Cords, Genetic Cords, Relational Cords, Karmic Cords, Psychic Cords, Physical Cords, Energetic Cords,  Emotional Cords, Mental Cords, Spiritual cords and any other Relational Cords , ties and attachments that I have made, or others have made to  me, that no longer serve anyone. Please heal and repair each matrix multi-dimensionally, in all incarnations and time frames, to infinity and beyond including the Akashic records.

Please take everyone back to their centre and stabilise and strengthen the boundary of each ketheric template body. Thank YOU”                                       

Step 3:

“Mother Father God/ Guides, Angels, Healing Team, I command that all negative imprinting received by me from the collective, the media, the Ego matrix and (state name(s) of person/people you are wanting to clear energy from) relating to the Covid 19/Coronavirus be lovingly released from all aspects of my being from the lightest to the densest.  Thank you’

Thank you for this gift of love. It is done. It is done. It is done



In this blog you will see and hear posts, recordings and videos using the name of Amelia Ella Hope.  This was the pen name that I wrote my blog in until mid April 2020.  Whilst I now no longer use this pen name, old posts, audio and video still feature on this site under this name.  The content from both names are from me, Sophia Grace, but the former name of Amelia was used in my early days to allow me to write and share my story safely, openly and freely.  To read more on why I used a pen name then visit My Original About Me page and why I decided to then use my actual name, then click here.  Thank you for your understanding.

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