Moments of Hope – Blue Sphere Energy Clearing Technique

Moments of Hope – Blue Sphere Energy Clearing Technique

This techniques is really helpful to help you process and clear other people’s energy at this time.  It helps you to maintain your energy integrity so as to minimise the effects of people and situations draining you energetically.  It is recommended that you perform this upon waking and just before going to sleep for maximum effectiveness.  I recommend you work it daily at this time.

I will try and record a version of it at some point so it is easier for you to practice, until then I hope it helps in its written form

It is especially useful for empathic people who process other people’s energies.

  1. Hold your arms out horizontally to your sides.
  2. Close your eyes and visualise a sphere around yourself whose inside surface just touches your fingertips.
  3. Say: “Archangel Michael, please infuse electric blue light onto the surface of the sphere for one minute.” Visualise this light coming down vertically from   above you. This teaches your energy fields not to take in energies which aren’t yours and is cumulative in its effect.
  4. Now visualise roses of different colours (what ever feels right to you) manifesting on the entire surface of the electric blue light sphere and in your    fields out to at least 55 feet in diameter. Their purpose is to take the energy hit if someone/something tries to draw on your energies. Effectively the roses are sacrificed rather than your energies.
  5.  Now visualise roses of the following colours appearing on back and front of your chakras..
    • The Amethyst Violet Ray on the crown chakra
    • The Star Sapphire Indigo Ray on the brow chakra
    • The Sapphire Blue Ray on the throat chakra
    • The Emerald Green Ray on the heart chakra
    • The Topaz Yellow Ray on the solar plexus chakra
    • The Carnelian Ray on the navel chakra
    •  The Ruby Red Ray on the base chakra
  6. These match your chakra colours and take the energy hit if someone tries to draw energy from a particular chakra.

If you feel that you are processing someone else’s energy. Place a second electric blue light sphere around their energies in your fields, in exactly the same position as the first sphere, and with thought intention shift that sphere completely out of your sphere. It may get a little stuck just before it finally leaves. You should then feel clearer. If you still feel that not all the other person’s energy has left repeat the procedure until you are clear.

Shared with love and thanks to, Nicolas David Ngan, who shared it with.

Love and Blessings

Amelia Ella Hope



In this blog you will see and hear posts, recordings and videos using the name of Amelia Ella Hope.  This was the pen name that I wrote my blog in until mid April 2020.  Whilst I now no longer use this pen name, old posts, audio and video still feature on this site under this name.  The content from both names are from me, Sophia Grace, but the former name of Amelia was used in my early days to allow me to write and share my story safely, openly and freely.  To read more on why I used a pen name then visit My Original About Me page and why I decided to then use my actual name, then click here.  Thank you for your understanding.

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