Make Self Care A Priority Today

Make Self Care A Priority Today

Hello Friends,

The processing, the pain, the memories, the tears, fears, flashbacks and trauma of abuse don’t go away just because of the Covid 19 pandemic.  In fact they can, at this time get triggered even more so.  So it’s even more important now than ever to self care. Make it a priority today to take care of yourself in whatever ways you can.  To do whatever it takes to help yourself feel good and  whatever it takes to nurture, honour, love and support yourself.

As much as you get out in nature, take time to rest, and to nourish and care for your body and mind.  Talk to people you can trust and share how you are feeling.  Do things that feed and nourish your soul.  Listen to music, read your favourite books, watch uplifting movies.  Paint, draw, play music…anything that lifts you heart and warms your soul. 

When you wake ever morning, before your feet touch the floor take a few slow deep even breaths and set the intention of self care to be your priority for the day.  And then complete the following phrase….

Today I will fulfil my intention to make self care my priority by…..

( and think of 1 or 2 achievable ways that you can nurture, honour, love and care for yourself)

…then take three more deep breaths before starting your day.  Check in throughout the day to remind yourself of your intention and the ways that you have chosen to self care.

With Love until next time,

Sophia Grace

In this blog you will see and hear posts, recordings and videos using the name of Amelia Ella Hope.  This was the pen name that I wrote my blog in until mid April 2020.  Whilst I now no longer use this pen name, old posts, audio and video still feature on this site under this name.  The content from both names are from me, Sophia Grace, but the former name of Amelia was used in my early days to allow me to write and share my story safely, openly and freely.  To read more on why I used a pen name then visit My Original About Me page and why I decided to then use my actual name, then click here.  Thank you for your understanding.

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