I offer you peace
I offer you friendship
I offer you love
I hear your needs
I see your beauty
I feel your feelings.
All wisdom flows from the Highest Source
I honour that Source in you.
Let us work together
For you are my own True Self.
(Universal Greeting)
I’m Amelia Ella Hope and welcome to my blog. I am a nature loving Mama to our 7 1/2 month old daughter Naila, an older Mama and Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse. I would like to share with you my journey, and all the lessons I have learnt along the way, that has taken me from abuse to whole, authentic parenting.
In this blog I will share with you My Toolbag, including some of my favourite tools and resources from Yoga, Accupressure, Qi-Gong and Mindfulness Meditation, that I have studied over the last 20 years of being a Yoga teacher and holistic practitioner. My Right-Time Mum section in which I will be sharing the up’s and downs of being an ‘older’ (but what I prefer to call) a ‘Right Time Mama’. My A to Z section in which I will share my journey and path to overcoming the trauma of rape and childhood sexual abuse and the challengers of years of depression and mental health issues that followed as a result. In my general blog I’ll also be sharing lots of fun, inspiring and creative tips and ideas that have helped me to parent our beautiful daughter in a truly open, authentic way.
I love to write and I love to be out in nature so I thought that I would combine the two, writing and sharing my thoughts and rambles out on my daily walks. I’ll have our little daughter strapped up in her carrier as I ramble through the East Sussex countryside.
I live in East Sussex with my husband Michael and of course our beautiful daughter Naila. I also love photography, painting, making music and quite simple being creative in any way that I can, so I look forward to sharing some of those projects and ideas with you too.
I’d love to hear from you as we journey and ramble together so please do get touch via the comments box.
Others ways that you can keep, and get, in touch are by following me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.
Join me soon on our next ramble.
Lots of love until then.
Ameila Ella Hope