You’ll Never Know What you Are Capable of Until You Give It A Go

To Our Beautiful Naila,

You’ll never know what you are truly capable of until your give it a go.


Everything starts with an idea,

be it a sound, image or a word,

a gift or purpose given to you,

to share with the world.  


You have everything deep inside of you,

to provide you with all you need,

to bring that gift out into the world,

and make it a reality.


You are capable of so much,

and have so much deep within, 

to share and enjoy with the world,

your own unique gift from within.


Listen to your heart,

and follow the signs and callings from within,

let your feelings and emotions guide your way, 

as you take the first step to begin.   


Let doubts and worries,

fears and concerns gently fall away,

as you take each step day by day,

and trust along the way. 


If you don’t know how or what to do,

it will be shown to you along the way, 

through inner guidance, knowledge, people and resources,

that will turn up along the way.


Stay open and true along the way, 

trust in yourself, have faith and believe,

ask for support whenever you need it,

and allow yourself to receive. 


If you stumble and fall along the way,

take a moment to rest or call,

upon the guidance and wisdom that lies deep within,

there to pick you up after a fall.


Allow yourself not to be swayed, 

by the untruths and fears of others,

discern and stay true to the song in your heart,

and graciously thank the others.


Focus and steer not far from the path,

or from your Truth that lies within you,

through the ups and downs stay focused and strong,

grounded and connected to the Truth within you.


Surround yourself with people you can trust,

who believe in and support you, 

for held in that love you will find for sure,

that there is nothing that you cannot do.


Be afraid not of who you are,

and the gifts that lie within,

shine bright your light upon the world,

and all you have within.


There is nothing that you are not capable of,

and nothing that you cannot achieve,

it takes courage, yes, 

to take the very first steps,

and to trust in what you believe.


Whatever the outcome, win , lose or fall,

along the way you’ll learn and you’ll grow, 

for sure you’ll gain in so many ways,

that you’ll be glad you gave it a go.  


You’ll never know what you are truly capable of until your give it a go

Centre in your heart with all you know, then go on…and give it a go.  


From my heart to yours, beautiful soul.

I Love You

Mummy x

In this blog you will see and hear posts, recordings and videos using the name of Amelia Ella Hope.  This was the pen name that I wrote my blog in until mid April 2020.  Whilst I now no longer use this pen name, old posts, audio and video still feature on this site under this name.  The content from both names are from me, Sophia Grace, but the former name of Amelia was used in my early days to allow me to write and share my story safely, openly and freely.  To read more on why I used a pen name then visit My Original About Me page and why I decided to then use my actual name, then click here.  Thank you for your understanding.

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